DJ Uncut / September 2012
Gespeichert von Maximilian Arndt am/um Sa, 25/08/2012 - 20:52
Next Gig(s) > 01.09. Crash / Freiburg
08.09. White Rabbit / Freiburg
14.09. KGB / Freiburg
22.09. White Rabbit / Freiburg
01. Drums Of Death / Wave City
02. Mia Dora / Random Romantics
03. Jaded & James Petrou / Toni‘s Pain (Inxec Morphine Mashup)
04. Lominodisco / Ragazzini
05. Miguel Champell & Matt Hughes / I Can Fly
06. N aka Noir / Lucy In The Sky With Pearls
07. Lee Webster / F.B. Detroit Cheeky Things
08. MAM / Happiness
09. Giorgio Moroder / I Wanna Rock You
10. Nhan Solo / For My Friends
25. August 2012